Plugins -> Add new -> Upload plugin -> Choose file -> upload -> Install
After we installed the plug, We need to Config it as we wish by the following steps:
Plugins-> Settings -> Payments-> PayMe
In PayMe Payment Gateway you can config according to the following:
Enable - Yes
Mode - Account mode - Live
Staging API Key (Yoy can find the value in your account under "settings" tab, If you don't have an account in staging environment please use Production API Key)
Production API Key (Yoy can find the value in your account under the "settings" tab)
Callback - Callback URL
save LOG - Log save mode
Payment Process
Payment option title - Credit card payment title on check out page
Description - Credit card payment description on check out page
Lang - Payment page language
Currency - Payment currency (possible to choose only one)
Payment page layout - iFrame type
Payment page type - Regular Payment Form
In installment value there are two options:
Preset - present the customer fix number of installments according to predefined conditions
According to order total - present the customer number according to your to total sum.
Please notice: payment by international Credit card, with more than one installment, is possible only with Split-it service (For more details please check the App Store in your account).
Now, after we installed and config the plugin our Woocommerce website, let's make a purchase to make sure everything is exactly as we wanted.
Where i download the plug in?
Whay I do not se "PayMe" option in my woocommerce payment settings?
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